Starting this Friday, I'll be one of three guests of honor at Disney Toonfest in Marceline, MO. Joining me is my friend, cartoonists Mark Anderson and Disney artist Dick Duerrstein.
Marceline is the boyhood home of Walt Disney, and the entire town comes out once a year to celebrate Walt, as well as hold a number of cartoon based events.
Marceline's Main Street is the street that Hometown USA in the Disney parks is based on. From what I hear, it's a fantastic small midwestern town.
This is the 21st and final year of Toonfest- I've had a lot of friends do this event over the years, and I'm really looking forward to getting back to MO for a weekend. I lived there for a few years in the mid to late 90s. Here's proof: I'm well familiar with toasted ravioli. See?
On Saturday, I'll be doing a symposium on my work- from caricatures, advertising to books and Mad. Should be fun. Hopefully.
If you're anywhere near the middle of Missouri, here's the public schedule of events:
See ya in Marceline!